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Extravega is part of Design For Freedom, a Grace Farms Foundation for Building, Architecture & Construction Working Group, fighting against modern slavery.

Extravega takes action through its programme called ‘Going Green by Extragreen’ to be more “green” as well as efficient in Ethical behavior, Social Responsibility, and Environmental awareness. 

Our commitment is to constantly pursue the balance between the needs of the business world and people, and the availability of natural resources to guarantee that our activities do not threaten the future world. This is our comprehensive approach in the economic, social and environmental sector. 


We work every day to create and maintain a positive ethical climate with every single person.


National Award 2019 “Ethical Business

March 5th 2019, letter from A.S.G.I. San Giuseppe Entrepreneur Social Promotion Association

Subject: Special Mention 2019 Award “Ethical Business – San Giuseppe Imprenditore”

Dear Mr. Rillosi,

I am pleased to inform you that, following the final plenary meeting of the Jury of the “Ethical Business – San Giuseppe Imprenditore” Award, held on March 4th 2019, the company Extra Vega Srl, which you head up and manage,  was unanimously reported for a recognition with special mention, because practicing the “good” company to make “good” economy. Extravega placed man at the center of the business project as the most important resource, establishing a reciprocal climate of trust with collaborators and workers and with various players in the supply chain – suppliers, customers and the territory – for the creation of a shared and lasting value, increasingly appreciated even beyond national borders. The awarding ceremony, as per the attached program, will take place in Asti on Sunday March 17th, at the end of the Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop of Asti Monsignor Marco Prastaro at the Sanctuary of St. Joseph. It will be preceded Saturday, March 16th, by the convention-laboratory “The freedom of error: DNA of success”, during which it would be welcome your testimony. I therefore invite you to attend the event together with a representative of your employees, in order to receive the Award personally. The award office will contact your staff to better manage the organizational aspects of your participation and acceptance. With the highest senses of my esteem and the hope of being able to know you personally. Best regards,

Prof. Oreste Bazzichi – President of the Jury


Extravega is going as well toward the direction of ‘zero plastic’. 

Our marketing promotion aim to use mainly recycled paper. The coffee break areas are equipped with recycled paper cups, paper plates, paper napkins and wooden teaspoons. 

All waste streams, from the offices areas to the production area, have been managed more efficiently through separate waste collection.


All the materials used for our fabrications come from recycled sources for over 50% and are again recyclable at the end of their life cycle. In Extravega we are particularly sensitive to environmental issues and we count with our work to be able to reduce the expenditure of resources on the planet at the same time reducing pollution and not using nor creating toxic substances or fumes during our work with a particular attention to health of our collaborators.



  1. Compliance with applicable environmental regulations: The company shall comply with the mandatory provisions of applicable environmental regulations.
  2. Raw materials, energy and natural resources: The company shall take concrete conservation measures to minimise its consumption of water, energy, natural resources and other raw materials needed to conduct its business in order to rationalise its consumption, to reduce the extent of materials consumed while enhancing their economic efficiency, and to increase the reclamation and/or recycling thereof. Insofar as possible, this approach shall also be reflected in its choices in the area of logistics (packaging and transport methods).
  3. Emissions, effluent releases and waste: The company shall take concrete measures to reduce and/or treat its emissions into the atmosphere, effluent released into the ground and/or water and waste of all kind generated by its activities.
  4. Protected species and biodiversity: Any company covered by local and/or international regulations such as CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) shall comply strictly with such regulations. The company  that provides vegetable and/or animal materials (or products containing such materials) undertakes to transmit all information and written documents relating to the origin of these materials, whether regulated by the CITES regulation or not.
  5. Consumer health and safety: The company shall design its Products and/or services with the care and attention required to ensure appropriate use and to prevent any risk to consumer health and safety.


Education takes the first place in our Organization, we have activities that are charitable, and we supports non-profit associations.



We are against SLAVERY WORK


  1. Child labour: The company shall not employ any workers under the age of 15, or older if the minimum age stipulated by the applicable local labour regulations is over 15. If an employee of the company has not completed his mandatory schooling, the company must dispense the necessary education and/or give the employee the resources needed to continue his education through appropriate institutions.
  2. Forced labour: No employee shall be forced to work by applying physical or financial coercion. Only voluntary labour is authorised. The employer shall not in any event withhold the employee’s papers or financial resources.
  3. Health and safety: The company shall provide a work environment that protects the health and safety of its employees. It shall provide access to water and to sanitary facilities. When employees are required to live on premises controlled by the employer, the employer shall arrange for living accommodations (in particular dormitories) that meet minimum sanitation and privacy requirements. A fire alarm system and/or detection procedure together with an employee evacuation procedure must be in place. The company shall arrange for personnel to receive periodic, documented training in health and safety.
  4. Freedom of association and/or right to collective bargaining: The company shall honour employees’ rights to meet, to assemble and/or to negotiate with the employer under collective bargaining procedures.
  5. Non-discrimination: Discrimination based on race, cast, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, state of health, membership in a trade union or political party or age shall not be tolerated. All forms of sexual harassment shall be prohibited. Any differences in treatment, particularly with respect to compensation, professional development and end-of-employment agreement conditions shall be related exclusively to the requirements of the work to be performed.
  6. Disciplinary measures: Employees shall not be subject to corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, workplace bullying or harassment of any kind.
  7. Working time: The company shall comply with local laws applicable to working time and overtime. In any event, concerning working time, the employees shall not work beyond the limits fixed by the local legal or regulatory provisions and shall have at least one day of rest during each 7-day period. In addition to normal working time, overtime hours are allowable on a regular basis, within the limits fixed by the local legal or regulatory provisions, under the conditions stipulated by local laws and/or based on the individual’s willingness and/or on a collective bargaining agreement negotiated with employees.
  8. Mandatory provisions of labour laws: The company shall comply with the mandatory provisions of applicable labour laws; more specifically, it shall not tolerate illegal work.
  9. Compensation: The company shall comply with local laws and relevant industry practices and provide its employees sufficient compensation to enable them to meet the basic needs of their family.
  10. Anti-Bribery & Corruption: The company shall condemn bribery and corruption in all its forms and shall not tolerate it in its own business or in those it does business with. Therefore, the company shall have an internal procedure in place to ensure compliance with all laws and regulations regarding bribery and corruption.

Extravega is part of Grace Farms’ Architecture & Construction Working Group against modern slavery. Extravega collaborated at the construction of River Building Project for Grace Farms Foundation, Inc.